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1. User has to click below registration link to register Bloom account by filling in the phone number.
2. Log in to the app with the registered phone number after downloading Bloom from App Store/ Google Play Store.
3. Complete registration within the app with a valid email address and by linking any Visa card on the app.
4. After successfully registering, new Bloom users who completed the 1st transaction will receive a HK$70 Watson's Wine eStore e-Coupon and US$4 worth of Bitcoin in Bloom App.
5. This campaign is on First Come First Served basis.
6. Start earning rebates every time you spend with your linked Visa card.
1. Open Bloom App and select ‘Setting’ at the right bottom.
2. Select ‘My Coupons’.
3. Choose $70 Watson’s Wine eCoupon, select ‘Use’.
4. Copy the unique eCoupon code.
5. Go to check out page at www.watsonswine.com, apply unique eCoupon code at promotion code filed, discount will be applied.
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