Offers only valid at until 24/3/2025, while stocks last. Offers may not apply to purchases of limited time offer items, redemption items and clearance sale items, and may not be used in conjunction with other promotional offers.
A wine with a deep burgundy red colour, of good intensity. A very complex nose with delicate notes of spices: cloves, black pepper. Mineral, hints of mountain vegetation and scrubland, balsamic and dark chocolate notes. Powerful on the palate and rounded at the same time, with nuances of the Yerri Valley’s distinctive terroir where vines, woodland flowers and violets are found growing. A long finish, very elegant and fresh.
A wine with a deep burgundy red colour, of good intensity. A very complex nose with delicate notes of spices: cloves, black pepper. Mineral, hints of mountain vegetation and scrubland, balsamic and dark chocolate notes. Powerful on the palate and rounded at the same time, with nuances of the Yerri Valley’s distinctive terroir where vines, woodland flowers and violets are found growing. A long finish, very elegant and fresh.